I’m a developer at Oslandia and PhD candidate inw digital archaeology at LAMPEA (Aix Marseille University), focusing on the development of open source web interfaces for working with digital twins of archaeological sites. I am also the creator of Mapstodon.space, a multilingual Mastodon instance dedicated to cartography that gather more than 2000 people now. I sometimes carry out occasional cartographic projects, and lately I’ve been very interested in permacomputing, digital sobriety and the need to rewild the internet.
Master's degree in Geographical Sciences, 2009
Aix-Marseille University
Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme, Mediterranean Laboratory of Prehistory Europe Africa, Arkaia Institute.
Development of ArcaDIIS (Archaeological Data Infrastructure for Interoperability and Sharing), an editorial platform for the valorisation of archaeological research data. Web development for various archaeological research projects. Participation in the works of the MMSH’s Publishing Unit.
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