Jérémy Garniaux

Jérémy Garniaux

Geographer, cartographer, PhD candidate in digital archaeology



Geographer and cartographer, I’m currently a PhD candidate in digital archaeology at LAMPEA and Oslandia, where I’m working on the development of open source web interfaces for working with digital twins of archaeological sites. I’m also the creator of Mapstodon.Space, a multilingual Mastodon instance dedicated to cartography. I’m quite interested these days in topics like NixOS, permacomputing, digital sobriety and rewilding the internet.

  • GIS, cartography & geospatial
  • Digital archaeology
  • Open science & open data
  • Web development
  • Master's degree in Urban Geography, 2009

    Aix-Marseille University



MMSH, Aix Marseille University
Developer for the open science in archaeology
Feb 2020 – Present Aix-en-Provence

Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme, Mediterranean Laboratory of Prehistory Europe Africa, Arkaia Institute.

Development of ArcaDIIS (Archaeological Data Infrastructure for Interoperability and Sharing), an editorial platform for the valorisation of archaeological research data. Web development for various archaeological research projects. Participation in the works of the MMSH’s Publishing Unit.

Paul Valéry University
Lecturer in cartography
Oct 2018 – Present Montpellier, Béziers
Teacher in cartography at Béziers IUT and for the Urba Master, Paul Valéry University. Field surveys, heterogenous data wrangling, spatial analysis and cartography. Main tools: QGIS, MAGRIT, Inkscape, Scribus.
SATT Sud-Est
Research engineer, CLIMAT Project
Oct 2017 – Nov 2018 Marseille
Design and development of the MACLI model for the simulation of the urban heat island. Participation in the design and implementation of a campaign to measure the urban heat island in Marseille during a heat wave. Thanks to a partnership with the Rectorat of Aix-Marseille (regional school authority), three copies of the model have circulated in several colleges and high schools during one year, accompanied by a dedicated educational program, contributing to raise awareness among young people to climate and ecological issues in urban areas.
LPED Laboratory, Aix-Marseille University
Research engineer in geospatial data management
Mar 2017 – Jul 2017 Marseille
Implementation of a spatial data infrastructure (SDI) based on Geonode. Integration of data from the TRAMES axis and the Society-Environment Observatory.
LPED Laboratory, Aix-Marseille University
Project manager for the Mediterranean Cities and Climate Change International Research Network
Feb 2015 – Feb 2017 Marseille
Setting up and animation of the MC3 international network. Administrative management, design of a web tool for inventory and archiving of urban projects integrating climate concerns, organization of scientific and mediation events.
La Folie Kilomètre
Artist, co-founder and active member
Jan 2011 – Dec 2014 Marseille
“Based in Marseille, La Folie Kilomètre is a collective of creation in public space founded in 2011. It brings together artists from the performing arts, visual arts and land planning. At the crossroads of these practices, we imagine expeditions, shows, walks and workshops. From sensitive cartography to sound creation, from visual installation to live painting, disciplines dialogue and their contours merge in a mixed language. Monumental or tiny, our interventions play with the different scales of places and various levels of reading.” Interview with Strabic magazine (March 2014)
Freelance geographer and mapmaker
Jan 2010 – Jan 2015 Marseille
Print cartography, participative workshops, dynamic web cartography, assistance to cultural and artistic projects with a territorial dimension, etc. Clients: Libération, ATTAC, Marseille-Provence 2013, MuCEM, Mairie de Marseille, Cité des Arts de la Rue, les Éditions Lignes, Wildproject, Radio Grenouille…
LPED, Aix-Marseille Université
GIS Analyst
Jan 2010 – Dec 2010 Marseille
Geomatic researcher in the PUCA research program “residential enclaves in Marseille” (LPED Laboratory). Design of the GIS and the field survey protocol, cartography, spatial analysis, coordination of field surveys.

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