Mapping the Social Position Index of French Schools

A few months ago, following a lawsuit launched by journalist Alexandre Léchenet, the administrative court of Paris forced the Ministry of National Education to open the data on the social position index (SPI) of schools and colleges in France.

According to Wikipédia, “The Social Position Index is a quantitative measure of the social situation of students in relation to learning in French schools. The higher the index, the more the student lives in a family context favorable to learning. This index is constructed from the professions and socio-professional categories (PCS) of the students’ legal representatives.”

I geolocated the 39,000+ facilities to map them. The scale goes from yellow for a very high SPI to purple for a very low SPI. Combined with information on the status of the institutions (private schools and colleges are surrounded by a white halo), the spatialization of this index tells a certain social geography of the country.

The map is available here:

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📄 Open data is available here:

Have a good exploration!

Jérémy Garniaux
Jérémy Garniaux
Geographer, cartographer, PhD candidate in digital archaeology